What is Supported Employment?
Supported Employment is designed to assist individuals with obtaining employment in a position of their choosing within the community. Services include job skills training, interviewing techniques, resume writing, and job placement. Supported Employment professionals assist individuals on Social Security (SSI or SSDI) with connection to additional services available through the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation. Supported Employment services can also provide ongoing support services in the workplace for those individuals who require intensive support services to maintain and perform job functions.

What is Supported Housing?
Supported Housing is designed to assist individuals who are homeless or in unstable living situations with learning the skills to obtain and maintain stable housing. While this program assists with connecting individuals with reduced rate housing, this program does not provide monetary assistance to the individual related to payment of rent, utilities, or other bills.

Who Qualifies?
- Reside in Curry, Roosevelt County
- Have a Serious Mental Illness diagnosis (Supported Housing)
- Have Centennial New Mexico Medicaid
- Blue Cross/Blue Shield
- Western Skies
- Presbyterian