What is Psychosocial Rehabilitation Services (PSR)?
The purpose of the Psychosocial Rehabilitation Services is to help individuals develop daily independent living skills necessary to maintain living in the community. The program uses a group or classroom approach to provide information on various educational topics. PSR incorporates a social interaction and learning component to assist with developing social supports within and outside of the program.

How can Psychosocial Rehabilitation Services (PSR) help?
Psychosocial Rehabilitation services are designed to help an individual use his or her personal strengths to develop coping strategies and skills to deal with limitations and weaknesses. PSR Services are also designed to help individuals develop a supportive environment where they can function as independently as possible.
Who Qualifies?
- Reside in Curry, Roosevelt, or Quay County
- Have a Severe & Persistent Mental Illness (SPMI) diagnosis
- Individuals 18 and older
- No specific Insurance Requirements
Transportation to and from the program is included as part of the Psychosocial Rehabilitation Services.